Biologie Vegetale De Boeck Pdf Free
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The study area. Bio Climate The area is characterized by a semi-continental Mediterranean climate. Dreamcast Iso File here. The arid enclave surrounding Maghnia is thus characterized by a thermal continental micro-climate, cold in winter and very hot in summer [15]. The Emberger’s pluviothermic climagramm () ranks the area between the mean arid level with temperate winter (Q 2 = 26.89 and m = 3.21˚C) and the lower semi-arid level with temperate winter (Q 2 = 41.16 and m = 5.5˚C).
This work was conducted to assess the anatomical features of Pistacia atlantica Desf. Under Mediterranean semi-arid climate conditions. In this study, phytoecological approach was used at different observation scales including the large ecological scale. 11 samples of P. Atlantica species were randomly selected in order to. The bordering dunes in Saidia are coastal habitats of great ecological importance. The most typical plant is. Ammophila arenaria (or Marram Grass) which plays numerous ecological roles. One of these roles is the fixation of sand. The anatomy and the physiognomy of this plant enable it a perfect adaptation for. Nikon Dtm A20 Manually. Diferencias celula animal celula vegetal pdf. Download free software Biologie Vegetale De Boeck Pdf. 0 Comments Read Now. Biologie Raven pdf: Cherchez. 1 Biologie Raven (5. Senescencia vegetal pdf download. Jun 30, 2017. Share on Facebook0. Share on Twitter0. Please reload. (Wix-Logo) Create a Wix site! 100s of templates. No coding needed. This site was created using. Create your own for FREE >.
The Bagnouls and Gaussen (1957) [16] ombrothermic diagrams for Zenata and Maghnia weather stations during the 1980-2007 period () illustrate the extent of the dry period that reaches 07 months (April to October) [9]. The length of the dry season is generally correlative of its intensity; but there are important differences depending on whether the annual dry season is continuous or not; that is to say, whether the annual rainfall regime is unimodal, bimodal and/or multimodal [17] [18]. Ombrothermic diagrams for the study area (1980 to 2013).
= Period of drought. The annual rainfall varies between 249 and 327 mm. The monthly rainfall patterns are characterized by two maxima rainfall, one in November and one in March. The spring and winter maxima allow several plant species, such as Stipa tenacissima [19]; Holm oak (Quercus ilex), the Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis), to start the summer season with relatively large water reserves [20]. As for the average annual temperatures, they oscillate between 17.67˚C and 20.42˚C. The extreme values are strong limiting factors whose effectiveness depends on certain levels and their frequency of occurrence [15]. In our region, the mean thermal maxima of the hottest month (M˚C) range from 32.7˚C (Zenata) and 35.01˚C (Maghnia) and that contributes to the enhancement of evapotranspiration and therefore aridity of the environment.