Case Studies In Hematology And Coagulation Pdf Viewer
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- 15/04/18
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Oct 25, 2017. British Journal of Haematology. Explore this journal >Jinke Marina Kannada Mp3 Song Download. British Journal of Haematology Previous article in issue: Effects of rivaroxaban on routine coagulation. Haematology Case Studies with Blood Cell Morphology and Pathophysiology I. Kundur Academic Press, London, 2017. Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP): A New Look at an Old Disorder Spring 2010 Figure 3: General algorithm used for the evaluation of a pediatric patient with. ASH Teaching Cases emphasize standard approaches to classic hematologic problems and are designed to simulate the steps involved in diagnosing a patient, from taking the history and performing a physical exam. To keep track of your progress in cases you've started, view all cases in progress in My Dashboard. Case Studies in Hematology and Coagulation: 855: Medicine & Health Science Books @ What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? This compendium of 173 case studies is the result of a unique collaboration of leading hematologists, hematopathologists, and oncologists.
Hematology and Coagulation is a clear and easy-to-read presentation of core topics and detailed case studies that illustrate the application of hematopathology knowledge to everyday patient care. In order to be successful, as well as to pass the American Board of Pathology examination, all pathology residents must have a good command of hematopathology, including the challenging topics of hematology and coagulation. Hematology and Coagulation meets this challenge head on. This basic primer offers practical examples of how things function in the hematopathology clinic as well as useful lists, sample questions, and a bullet-point format ideal for quick pre-board review. This book provides only the most clinically relevant examples designed to educate senior medical students, residents and fellows and 'refresh' the knowledge base, without overwhelming students, residents, and clinicians. • Takes a practical and easy-to-read approach to understanding hematology and coagulation at an appropriate level for both board preparation as well as a professional refresher course • Covers all important clinical information found in larger textbooks in a more succinct and easy-to-understand manner • Covers essential concepts in hematopathology in such a way that fellows and clinicians understand the methods without having to become specialists in the field.
This compilation of case studies in hemostasis and thrombosis is comprehensive in its discussion and representation of disorders. After a succinct and thorough overview of hemostasis and thrombosis, 64 case studies, including platelet, vascular, coagulation, and thrombotic disorders, are presented. The patient vignettes represent relatively common and infrequently encountered disorders. Also included are examples of preoperative evaluation. An overview of hemostasis and thrombosis serves as a useful introduction to the reader. The text systematically addresses all areas of hemostasis and thrombosis and clarifies concepts with informative figures, tables, images, and algorithms. These visual aids make the information easily accessible for future applications.
The material synthesizes and communicates the concepts in a manner that clearly enhances the reader’s understanding. The inclusion of age-related coagulation reference interval values provides an excellent resource. The case studies are organized much like one would present a case for consultation. Each case discussion begins with the formulation of the differential diagnosis. The authors clearly explain their thinking relative to clinical presentation and the results of screening studies and aptly anticipate the questions the reader would raise. The discussion is presented in the form of “out-loud” reasoning, in which the authors share facts about the disorder presented in a logical, focused manner. The discussion of appropriate next steps emphasizes the focus on clinical relevance, rather than pursuing data for the sake of academic interest.